
Card fraud now hits nearly one third of consumers worldwide

Naked Security reports:  Card fraud now hits nearly one third of consumers worldwide

imageImagine folded, chopped, and mutilated plastic up to the sky: that’s the pile being generated by cardholder fraud these days.

I’ll let ACI Worldwide and Aite Group quantify the pile just a bit:

Of all cardholders – debit, credit, and prepaid – 30% have experienced card fraud in the past five years.

That’s the #1 takeaway from their latest biennial survey of cardholders in 20 countries worldwide.

If that topline figure isn’t bad enough, 17% of debit and credit card holders say they’ve fallen victim multiple times over that period – up from 13% in the 2014 survey.

Many of the costs to individuals and institutions are pretty obvious: reimbursements of fraudulent transactions, potentially damaged credit ratings, card replacement and security costs. Unsurprisingly, card fraud also contributes to costly customer churn: worldwide, one-fifth of consumers “changed financial institutions due to dissatisfaction after experiencing fraud.”

But, as the survey’s authors note, financial institutions face an additional cost that might not be obvious to the casual observer: worldwide, 40% of consumers use the compromised account less frequently after the fraud.

Read More


USB Tethering

It has been a long time since I have written anything about photography equipment which is funny since I still consider photography as one of my main hobbies. Today I ran into an article posted in the Verge describing a USB Tethering system to boost signal strength between your computer and your camera. You can add additional lengths of cable for a total of 65 feet. Other additional support products include a battery and power injector to increase the signal strength even more making a much more reliable connection especially at the longer cable lengths.

TetherTools is a great place to purchase or learn more about this product and the options they suggest. In fact they have a whole line of products to support your camera to computer tethering needs. You can purchase product individually but they have a great kit with:

  • image(1) Tether Table Aero Traveler
  • (1) TetherPro Cable 15'
  • (1) JerkStopper Tethering Kit with Camera Support & Clip-on for the Aero
  • (1) Non-Slip ProPad for the Tether Table Aero Traveler
  • (1) SecureStrap
  • (1) Aero XDC External Drive Compartment
  • (1) StrapMoore
  • (1) Tether Tools Cable Organization Case (Standard)

All for just $379.00, not to bad. You will need to add your own tripods though.


Fake Pokémon GO app watches you, tracks you, listens to your calls – Naked Security

imageI don’t understand its popularity but there is no denying that it is taking the world by storm. With a world that is already so full of wonder why do we need this? Well, the bad guys are taking advantage of it of course!

Take a look at this article on NakedSecurity that describes not only the program but also some very scary security issues.


As though you needed another reason to upgrade your XP machine

A printer bug that has not been fixed for XP systems. YOU NEED TO UPGRADE to a new operating system and in most cases a new machine! See full article here.


Microsoft starts downgrading OneDrive's free storage to 5GB


Engadget’s article reminding us that Microsoft’s free 10gb upgrade to handle your photos is being rolled back. If you didn’t take advantage of opting out of losing the storage space you will need to find an alternate source.

There are lots of other sources but if you want more space in many cases you will need to take out your wallet to get it.


Is Zepto ransomware the new Locky? – Naked Security

imageJust in case your wanted to learn more about this issue, Naked Security has a great article here.

Crypto attacks have become so prevalent that we feel that we can’t say enough about how careful you need to be to prevent having an issue with it nor being sure that you have enough protection in place to prevent a widespread data loss.

So be careful out there!


US senator: what does Pokémon GO know about us and our kids?


Naked Security article tracking Senator Al Franken’s questions on why the maker of this program needs our personal information and how it is going to distribute it to others. Very scary that we are giving away this data for basically unlimited use.


Huge uptick in Zepto ransomware spam, warn researchers

Security researchers have raised concerns that attackers are gearing up for a massive Locky-related ransomware campaign

Ransomware that locks up business critical data and demands payment to release it continues to increase in popularity with cyber criminals, and a fresh campaign is underway, warn researchers.

There has been a huge increase in the number of spam messages designed to infect unwary recipients’ computers with the Zepto ransomware, according to Cisco’s Talos security intelligence and research group.

Zepto is a variant of Locky, which was one of the most widespread ransomware attacks in the first quarter of 2016, affecting organisations in 114 countries.

Security researchers are keeping a close watch on Zepto and trying to find out as much as they can because of its close ties with Locky, its professional build and the fact that there is still no known method of decrypting the information.

Talos reseachers are particularly concerned that Zepto will move into exploit kits and that attackers will move on from spam to other distribution methods, such as malvertising, according to ThreatPost.

Zepto shares several technical similarities with Locky, including the use of similar RSA encryption keys and file types to infect systems.

In May 2016, security researchers at Kasperky Lab and FireEye identified ransomware as the top threat to business. In April 2016, Eset reported that ransomware accounted for around a quarter of cyber threats targeting internet users in the UK.

Talos researchers report that a fresh Zepto spam campaign started on 27 June 2016, with 137,731 spam messages carrying the ransomware recorded in the first four days.

All use a compressed .zip archive which included a malicious javascript file used to infect the recipients computer with the Zepto ransomware. All the javascript files name start with “swift” and are followed by a set of hexadecimal characters.

The spam messages use various subject lines, such as “document copies”, and various sender profiles, such as “CEO”, to encourage recipients to open the message and execute the malicious javascript.

The body of the emails generally urge the recipient to look at their “requested” documentation, while the name of the attached .zip file is created by combining the recipient’s name and a random number such as pdf_copy-peter_461397.

The malicious javascript uses ‘wscript.exe’ to launch HTTP GET requests to the defined command and control (C&C) domains, with some samples initiating connectivity to a single domain, while others connected to up to nine domains.

Once the binary is downloaded and executed, the machine begins a process of encrypting the local files and then demands ransom in Bitcoin to decrypt the files.


From Jude Daigle.

We are receiving calls almost daily from customers getting hit with ransomware!

It is not about IF you will get hit with this It's WHEN, and will you be prepared or will your organization be CRIPPLED.

This is not just about having Anti Virus installed this is Ransomware and you may pay $500 or more just to release your files!

Are you prepared?

If you are not sure call Jude or Bob 724-838-7526 or email me at jdaigle@paconnect.com


789 East Pittsburgh Street - Greensburg, PA  15601
Call: 724-838-7526


Stupid SurfaceBook Issue

imageSometimes the simplest solution to a problem can escape you completely. One of the SurfaceBook Pen’s neat features is its ability to launch the OneNote App and initiate screen captures in OneNote. I was doing some adjustments turning off functions in the SurfaceBook to conserve battery life. However, I noticed that when I clicked the top button on the pen it no longer launched OneNote. I am sure you are all instantly knowing what I did but if you don’t, take a quick look at whether you have turned off the Bluetooth receiver. I’m sure you can guess that the pen communicates with the tablet through a Bluetooth connection. Silly me.


Sophos Revisits AFF

imageAFF (Advanced Funds Fraud) is something that has been around for centuries. Today we see it involving Email solicitations often coming from the stellar Country of Nigeria. Sophos has made several ads the of highlight the absurdity of such solicitations. I hope that you enjoy them and take held to believing that you are going to be the special person picked out of millions that can become an instant millionaire.

A Nigerian scam, old-school style!


In search of a new Note Taking App?

imageGoogle Keep might be a good option. First, it is free and Second, Google has just added the ability to categorize your notes to make it easier to organize them. I have been using OneNote from Microsoft for most of the things that I need to make notes about but I have used Google Keep to take a quick note while using my phone or tablet.

While I would still classify my note taking app as OneNote, the ability to organize Google Keep is a big step forward. Before I limited my use of it to just quick and simple notes that I was going to move to something else quickly. Now with the ability to limit the display of your notes that contain a specific label it will be easier to find the one note you are looking for more easily. Don’t forget to add the Chrome Browser add in to help you capture browsed info faster and more easily.


Judge decides we don’t have any right to privacy – Naked Security

PrivacyIt seems we now live in a world where everyone is free to snoop on everyone else to their heart’s content.

If you connect your computer to the Internet, like billions of people, then you can’t expect any privacy. Or so says a judge in Virginia.

According to eWeek:

A federal judge for the Eastern District of Virginia has ruled that the user of any computer connected to the Internet should not have an expectation of privacy because computer security is ineffectual at stopping hackers.

So, does that mean we can’t expect privacy in our own homes because burglars can get in if they really try? If so, surely we may just as well just leave our front doors wide open?

Read More…


A Washington State News Show recently made good use of Microsoft’s Surface Hub and Power BI technology.

imageMicrosoft posted a blog entry that describes how KING 5 used some of their new technology “to usher in a new era in News Reporting”.

The station was able to drill down into the results of Washington state’s May 24 presidential primary and share insights county by county, as votes were tallied, by using Microsoft’s Power BI data visualization tool, displayed to viewers on a large Surface Hub touch screen as well as through an interactive report online. The new capability is a prime example of gains made in the accessibility of data and the technology to analyze and share it.

Want to see more?


Announcing Amazon Inspire

Announcing Amazon Inspire, a Free Service for Digital Educational Resources

Press Release

imageAn interesting blog note came across my desk from Tech & Learning eNews that Amazon had launched a new free service called Inspire that Amazon hopes will make it a major player in the tech education industry. It launched in late June with thousands of free education resources such as worksheets and lesson plans. This new service is meant to provide teachers with students anywhere from kindergarten to 12th grade a place to find and share free education materials.

Amazon Inspire Features

  • Smart search — With smart search, teachers can explore resources by grade level, standard or even from a particular district. Educators can filter search results using more than 10 criteria to find great resources that best fit their needs.
  • Collections — Educators can group resources into collections. They can describe the collection, curate the resources in it, recommend an order for going through the resources and share the collection with other teachers.
  • Simple upload — Amazon Inspire offers an easy to use and intuitive upload interface. Educators can drag and drop files they want to share, add basic metadata such as title, description, grade and subject, and publish the content on the service, all in a few minutes.
  • Customer reviews — Teachers can rate and review resources on Amazon Inspire, helping their colleagues around the country select the best resources for their needs.
  • Accessibility support — Amazon Inspire has built in accessibility features. For example, educators can navigate Amazon Inspire using popular screen readers and users are also able to indicate the accessibility features of resources they upload.

see additional information at EdSurge

Educators across the United States are invited to learn more about or join the Amazon Inspire beta at www.amazoninspire.com.


Cozi has a fresh new look

Lists_MainImageMy wife and I have been using Cozi to help coordinate our home lives with each other for a number of years and have found it to be indispensible. Our two primary functions revolves around the calendar and shopping list functions. In one place we have the ability to coordinate our grocery shopping so we don’t have duplication in our store visits. It is also good as a reminder of what we need to do and so on. If there is any question of our plans all we have to do is look at the calendar and we know when and how to coordinate with each other without having to track each other down.

Now Cozi has updated its mobile app as well.

Here’s what’s new in the latest iOS update: They have refreshed the Cozi color scheme with a cool blue in place of the orange. You can also now choose from four different, free themes to personalize your Cozi app. Tap “Change Theme” in the More menu to choose from the new blue “Cozi,” “Anniversary,” “Bloom,” or the orange “Cozi Classic.”

Here’s what’s new in the latest Android update: We’ve refreshed the look of Cozi with a cool blue color scheme in place of orange. You can also now choose from four different, free themes to personalize your Cozi app. Tap “Change Theme” in the main navigation to choose from the new blue “Cozi,” “Anniversary,” “Bloom,” or the orange “Cozi Classic.”

There are some changes in the List function as well. Easily toggle between Shopping and To Do. All of your lists are now accessible in one place within the app under “Lists.” You can toggle between Shopping and To Do by tapping the buttons at the top of the screen, and then you’ll be taken to a screen that shows previews of your lists.


For Cozi’s primary functions it is free but they do have a Gold version that costs $19.99/year. Here is a comparison between the two products.


For more information go to: http://www.cozi.com/


It’s not all about ransomware – keyloggers are still alive and well!

imageRansomware gets a lot of attention these days, and understandably so.

It’s the digital equivalent of a punch in the face: there’s no doubt what’s happened, and the crooks leave no stone unturned to make sure you know it.

Some ransomware not only creates some sort of HOW-TO-PAY document in every directory where there are scrambled files, but also changes your desktop wallpaper so that the payment instructions are visible all the time.

You can argue, however, that less visible malware attacks are even worse, especially if you only find out about them days or weeks after they started, and they include some sort of data-stealing payload.

Like the range of malware that SophosLabs researcher Gabor Szappanos (Szapi) was reviewing recently while working on a paper about Word-based attacks.

Szapi was looking at a particular subset of Word-borne hacks: what are known as exploit kits.

Exploit kits are pre-packaged, booby-trapped files that automatically try to take over applications such as Word or Flash as soon as you open up one of the malicious files.

The idea is to bypass any pop-up warnings that would usually appear (such as “you need to enable macros,” or “are you sure you want to install this software”) by crafting the exploit file so it causes a controllable crash in the application that just loaded it.

Szapi noticed that all of the exploit kits he’d covered in his paper (going by names like Microsoft Word Intruder, AK-1, AK-2, DL-1 and DL-2) had been used at some time to distribute data-stealing malware known as KeyBase.

His first thought was along the lines that “KeyBase ought to be dead by now, because it’s been around for a while, it’s well-known, and the author himself took it offline long ago.”

read more…


Using Microsoft Edge Browser instead of other options may save you battery life

imageMicrosoft has been running some experiments testing battery life when using different browsers and Edge is coming up on top, of course. The primary reason was shown by measuring the battery draw when using each browser and the following results were reported by measuring the power draw of the Wi-Fi, CPU, and GPU during a test workload that cycled through some common sites including Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Amazon. This task drew:

  • 2.1W in Edge
  • 2.8W in Chrome
  • 3.1W in Opera
  • 3.2W in Firefox.

An article in ArsTechnica goes on to discuss how the new release of Windows 10 that is going to be available this month is making even more inroads into battery consumption when browsing the web and using the Edge browser. It will be interesting to see if this all holds up. I may have to jump back to using Edge more often when working on battery power.


Windows 10 Refresh Tool Will Sweep Away Bloatware on Your PC

imageOne of the things that we are constantly doing on machines coming in to us from distribution before we send them out to our customers is prep them. Besides loading them up with the applications that the client needs we also strip out the Bloatware that manufactures install on these machines. The Bloatware on these systems can seriously degrade the performance of a system. So why do you ask, do manufacturers add this to their systems? The reason is simple, they get paid a subsidy by the software manufacturers to install it. In most cases it is benign but in other cases it can open series holes in your security and compromise the speed of your system.

So Microsoft is planning on releasing a tool that will roll back the software bloat that hardware manufacturers put on their systems and give you a clean install of their Windows 10 operating system.

The Windows 10 Refresh Tool, which has just entered public testing as part of Windows 10 Build 14367 which was recently released to Windows Insiders in the Fast Ring, will perform a clean installation of Windows 10 and remove apps that came pre-installed on your device including support apps and drivers. As part of the clean install process it will also remove any apps and desktop programs you may have installed as well.

While Windows Insiders have several caveats relating to the testing of the new Refresh Tool for consumers it will be more straight forward once the Windows 10 Anniversary Update is released in July.

Read more about this here:


Build an On-Line Company-Wide Data Store

One of the ideas that I have been toying with is how an organization that has only a few users design their document storage around a cloud option rather than with an on premise server. There are several questions that come up when considering this and I would like to explore these in this post.

I am going to approach this with the thought of using Microsoft Office 365 has the core product and then explore other options that might enhance this total solution. In a smaller environment that has fewer than 150 users and doesn't have a need for Microsoft's Access Database Program, then Small Business Premium Subscription will provide each user with Microsoft Office desktop installations, hosted Exchange and on-line storage.


Each user license provides a personal storage using OneDrive of 1 TB and in a Team Site (SharePoint) an initial 1 TB plus 500 GB's per licensed group member. In a small group of 5 licensed employees, each employee would have 1TB personal storage and the group would have 3.5 TB's shared storage.

As you can see, the more people you have in the group your team shared storage will grow quite quickly. In a lot of cases, the cost of having this much storage on a local file server would increase the cost of the initial equipment and the cost of your backup of that data. If you wish to have cloud backup, you're going to have the cost and logistics of getting that data off-site as well.


Microsoft provides some limited backup of you data but doesn't have a true archival backup solution. Luckily we do. Using our Cloud backup program, we have the ability to back up the entire contents of your Office 365 site for just pennies per user per day. In the example of a five user office, $21.25 per month. This includes backing up all of your data including your SharePoint and your Exchange data. And it is

easy to setup and restore from as necessary.



In this example you see that I have several SharePoint sites setup on our system. The primary site is our Team Site which contains different kinds of list data, calendars, announcements and links to special information including tutorials, vendor sites and other special pieces of information. I have also created a subsite called PAconnect. This is a site's sole purpose is as a document holder for our on-line document storage. I have shared this site with everyone in our organization so everyone has access to the information here. The last subsite that I have here is a SharePoint site that has limited access. Only the admin group of people will ever be able to access the data located here. You see here that you want to put some thought behind how you set up your SharePoint sites, what their use is, in other words what kind of information you want to put there and lastly who you want to be able to access it. Your administrator of the account has the rights initially to set up the rights mask for the site so whomever is in control will be the one that can set this up.

Here is a link that will help you get started with understanding SharePoint Libraries.


Synchronizing your Library

Once you have created the file structure of your library you will want to create your synchronization to it to your desktop This enables you use it just as you would any document folder you have on your computer. With synchronization setup you will be able to easily access, update current documents and store new documents to your shared area. The other benefit of SharePoint Libraries is versioning. This gives you the ability to restore your document to an earlier version if you make a mistake. Your site admin needs to setup this up and will enter how many earlier versions to keep available.


Turn on Versioning

By default, versioning is turned off. To turn it on and implement your versioning decisions, you must either have Full Control or Design permissions. The picture above shows you the options that are available when your edit the Library's Settings. A good overview of what all of these options are and what they allow you to do can be found here. This is a link to your on-line SharePoint Help site. Another great place to start looking at to learn how to use document libraries.


Users upset by Evernote price hikes & two-device limit for free Basic customers

imageThis is a bummer if you are still using Evernote and your prime note taking app. Especially  the two device limit. The whole reason for using Evernote, when I was, was to have one application that I could pick up any device on and access the data. Now if you wish to do this, you will have to migrate to their Plus or Premium version subscription. While the price is not significant:

The price of a Plus subscription is being hiked from $2.99 per month to $3.99 per month, although annually the cost is cheaper at $34.99. Premium is seeing a stepper increase, from $4.99 to $7.99 per month — a 12-month version of the plan is $69.99.

if you wanted to stay with their free version you will have to deal with the limitations. Here is a comparison list of the different versions of Evernote.