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Educational: Evernote Peek adds Virtual Smart Cover

I keep wanting to get Evernote Peek for training purposes but it doesn’t quite fit MY needs but boy, if I had kids or if I was still in school I would have this in a heartbeat! Evernote has release an update to its Evernote Peek learning application for the iPad by adding a Virtual Cover feature that allows the application to be used without a Smart Cover.

Evernote Peek is an application designed to help iPad users study material stored in Evernote notebooks and was originally designed to work with the iPad 2 Smart Cover technology, allowing users to lift the cover edge to view a question or clue and then lift it further to view the answer. Evernote Peek 2.1 now adds a Virtual Cover mode that allows the application to be used without a Smart Cover, thereby also adding compatibility with the original iPad; users can now swipe the virtual cover open and closed to get the same effect provided by the Smart Cover integration. The new version provides 10 different colour choices for the virtual cover and also adds five new study notebooks of European trivia provided by VisitEurope.com. Evernote Peek is available from the App Store as a free download.

YouTube Video Demo of Evernote Peek

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