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Amazon adds Lending Library to your Kindle Devices

2011-11-05_0727Amazon has announced another new feature for Amazon Prime subscribers, the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. If you are a member of Prime, and you own a Kindle, Amazon now offers thousands of books that you can borrow to read for free. They are including over 100 current and former New York Times Bestsellers.

Choose from over 5,000 titles, including more than 100 current and former New York Times Bestsellers, to read on your Kindle.

So how does this work:

Kindle E Ink

The following screens show how to borrow on Kindle E Ink devices.

Click on ‘See all categories...’ to browse the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. Kindle Owners’ Lending Library books will be identified with a Prime badge in search results.
Click on ‘Borrow for Free’ to start reading. You may borrow one book at a time.  


Kindle Fire

The Kindle Owners’ Lending Library is located in the Fire bookstore. Kindle Owners’ Lending Library books will be identified with a Prime badge in search results.


Tap on ‘Borrow for Free’ to start reading. You may borrow one book at a time.


This is only available for Kindle Device owners. So you won’t be able to get these free books on you Kindle Apps on devices like your iPad, iPhone, iTouch and Android devices. You are also limited to just one pick per month so be careful what you pick cause you only get one choice each month. It will probably be a lot easier on the touch screen Kindles but the older “Classic” versions have a few menus that you have to pop through to get where you need to, to make your choice. Have Fun!

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