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Tech Toys

Tech Toys

Mobile Photo Jul 4, 2010 10 58 39 AMIt is such a sad thing to open my desk drawer and see all of the my tech toys of the past just lying there with their sad faces staring back at me, no longer seeing the light of day. no longer being touched with loving fingers, no longer being recharged to provide the enjoyment that they once did. I do love my toys. I love trying to find new uses for them. The problem is that I also like consolidating the things that I do use down to as few devices and applications that I can. I also strive to have all of the devices that I do use have the ability to interconnect and share as much of the information that I work with that I can. I use storage systems like Dropbox that appear on all my computers, my phone and my new iPad. In fact right now I am writing this document on my iPad using an application called Documents to go, which allows me to create a Word compatible document and to store it automatically into one of my Dropbox folders.

When I get back to my desk I will be able to work more on this document either at home or at work or, I can pick it back up on my net book and work with it there. I can insert it into other applications if I need to, or repurpose it for another use later on at my discretion.

So now when I pick new devices to be part of my tools of the trade, I focus on my ability to be able to access as much of my working information that I can at any time that I need to. The terms "data anywhere" or "data anytime" are the results that I am after. So, whether I am sitting at my desk using my computer, in the car wit my phone, or by the pool reading a book or as I am now writing a blog post, I want to have as much access to my information or entertainment as possible.

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