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You are in your car, driving along and then you hear: DING!

imageResist… Don’t reach for your smart phone. Don’t take your life and those of you fellow travelers to risk.  DON”T TEXT WHILE DRIVING! Don’t read your email. Don’t become one of those accident statistics. Just say NO!

What is focusing my attention with this tirade is the recent release of a Web Video showing four deaths caused by a young driver who was texting while driving. A debate is raging what the best method of curbing distractions while driving in the U.S.

Many states are considering or have passed laws that ban texting while driving, using your phone at all while driving or even touching your phone while driving. Some experts think that dramatic videos like the 4 minute video produced by local police in Gwent, Wales, in the UK can have an impact in educational settings, especially with young drivers.

17 States and District of Columbia have already banned texting while driving. There are some  initiatives in play  towards educating users on the dangers of the different types of distractions that could cause accidents. A good article in Computerworld today talks about general overview of the problems and what is being done to prevent this real problem. Take a quick look.

The parting statement from the Chief Inspector of the Gwent Police site is very compelling:

Chief Inspector John Pavett from Gwent Police Roads Policing Unit hopes the serious message in this film will hit home to viewers:

“Making and receiving calls and texting whilst driving is still happening on roads not just in Gwent but all over the country.  Seeing a scenario, like the one Cassie goes through, played out right before your eyes makes you realise how extremely dangerous it can be and what devastating consequences it can have.

“I hope that after watching this film motorists will think twice before picking up their mobile phone when behind the wheel and realise that a quick reply to a text message or answering a phone call is never worth putting theirs and other people’s lives at risk.”

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