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Boox Note 2 Plus-New Morning Routine

I had stopped bringing home my notebook quite a while ago so accessing information before leaving the house to go to the office had become very cumbersome. Now with my new Boox Note 2 Plus, I have been able to reestablish some of the routines that used to do when I had a working tablet computer in my hands.

I still like the android access to Outlook on my phone better than the town with even though they are very similar. Having color is that of just a black-and-white image is positive in this case. It’s also easier to differentiate what I’ve read an email not on the phone compared to reading it on the Note 2 Plus.

As I stated in an earlier article my primary notetaking application has become the Office 365 OneNote application. My main use for the OneNote application is daily task management and uses it throughout the day to keep track of what I need to do as well as what I have done. This makes it a very easy method for documenting things that I need to enter our ticketing program to support our customers. In conjunction with my workstation running the OneNote application I can easily move a task from one day to another as needed. I come here second because I will take any requests that come in through email and add them to my task list for the day at this time.

I like reading the newspaper digitally rather than the actual paper newspaper that my wife gets so I scan the paper for any new and interesting topics I need to be aware of in local, state, national and of course sports.

The last thing that I access is a program that consolidates my RSS feeds into a quick listing that I can grab for later reading. The program I use is called Feedly. And I capture those articles I want to read at a later time with a program called GetPocket. The thing I like about GetPocket is that it strips out all the advertising from the webpages makes it much easier to read. I can then share that information if I need to with other people through social media or emailing them the link to the article itself.

And that’s my daily routine that is changed because of this new device.

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