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Windows 10 Creators Update begins to rollout

I thought with Windows 10 Creators Update beginning to roll out that I would start to highlight some of the messaging it's coming across about the differences in the new version compared to the old and any other information that I may come across about how the update is being done.

In this article by Tom Warren writing for the verge, he discusses what he considers to be the best 10 new features of the Windows 10 Creators Update.

Zach Bowden from Windows Central, posted an article announcing the update and discussing how you can force the update on your own equipment.

Here is another article by Zach Bowden on the official Windows 10  Creators Update  Review.

Mollie Ruiz-hopper from blogs.windows.com, wrote an article describing what’s new in the Windows 10 Creators Update. She also discusses how to get the creators update and some other articles describing some of Microsoft’s other announcements including the Surface Dial.

And of course my favorite go to guy for Microsoft info Paul Thurott.

This ought to get you started.

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