Another issue with WAZE

I had read an earlier article about how to prevent Snoops from stalking you in Waze with “ghost” drivers on Naked security that discussed an paper published by a team of researchers from the University of California at Santa Barbara claiming they can track a Waze driver’s exact route using thousands of simulated “ghost” vehicles in the app.
If you’re not familiar with Waze, it’s a Google-owned app that relies on crowdsourcing as people report accidents, traffic jams, and speed and police traps, while its online map editor gives drivers updates on roads, landmarks, house numbers, and the cheapest nearby fuel.
Naked Security has a take on another problem that has been reported with this Google Application. It appears a quiet neighborhood in Takoma Park, Maryland has been invaded by drivers trying to find a shortcut around a construction area. One of the residents then tried to turn the tide by posting bogus traffic data to trick the app into sending motorists away from his area.
He lasted about two weeks before Waze kicked him out for reporting bogus data. Take a look at the article it has a lot if interesting detail.
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