Remember that Google Reader goes away at the end of the month…
If you are using Google Reader as your RSS consolidation source you are going to have to make some decisions on what you are going to do at the end of the month when Google turns off Reader. This is a big deal if you are using it, but there are several options that you can move to that will help with the transition. The best that I have found for myself so far is from Feedly. By creating an account with them before the end of the month you will be able to bring over your Google Reader settings automatically and be up and running within seconds.
I have setup categories for my Reader to make it easier to manage and work through the information that is flowing in and Feedly has kept all of that together automatically which makes great sense. It work with both Pocket and Instapaper for capturing long term the articles that I want to either come back to in more detail or keep for longer time for reference.
It works with bot iOS and Android devices and works really well within the Chrome Browser. So if you are like me and you are reaching for the closest mobile device when sitting down to read, it makes a lot of sense to have a program on all of the types of systems that you would possibly use it. Don’t wait to the last minute to make your choice of a new reader.
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