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Google is retiring Reader–June 2013

imageWhat the heck am I going to do? My daily routine both in the morning and in the evening is to quickly sift through the many RSS feeds that I have subscribed to and is managed in my Google Reader account. I use several different programs as well as Google’s web interface to work with these feeds but the central control has been my Google Reader account for years. Now that Google has put it on the discontinue list I am going to need to do something to replace it.

I am not a big user of Facebook or Twitter, I guess I am still old school there. When I sit down to comment on a something that catches my eye, I like to provide as much information about that subject as I can as both a reference for myself as well as for others. The reason I have this blog is to offer up information that I find helpful to clients as well as our service people.

So what am I going to do to replace this tool? One of the programs that is being talked about out there is called Feedly. In a recent post from Feedly, they state that they have been anticipating Google shutting down Google Reader and that they have been working a project they called Normandy which is a Feedly clone of the Google Reader API. Feedly is planning to seamlessly transition to their Normandy backend when Google Reader shuts down.

If you are a Google Reader, give Feedly a try before July 1st, and you will be able to migrate seamlessly:
Feedly for iOS
Feedly for Android
Feedly for Chrome
Feedly for Firefox
Feedly for Safari

Note 1: if you are migrating from Google Reader to feedly, here are some tips on how to personalize feedly to better match your existing workflows. If you have any feature request please add it on our feature request page.

Note 2: if you are a third party developer using the Google Reader API and would like to integrate with Normandy, please send an email to remi@feedly.com. We would love to keep the Google Reader ecosystem alive.

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