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Knomia-an online video platform directed at education

image Knomia allows you to create and share lessons as a teacher, view lessons as a student, and as a parent to choose lessons that you think would be good for your students. They have several tools posted for teachers to create content with more coming. Use the iPad app to create lesson plans or link to video that you have produced on iTunes and Vimeo. Currently advertising over 7,000 video lessons available at this time, all published by teachers. They have 3 different accounts that you can sign up for. You may register as a student, teacher or parent. You will be asked to setup using an email and to put in personal information about yourself. As a teacher you can create video in QuickTime, MPEG4 or H.264 formats or point to YouTube or Vimeo posts in your accounts. Use the iTunes lessons creation tool that is a free lesson planning and recording tool for teachers.

It helps you create short video lessons on any subject and publish them on knowmia.com so your students and the public can find them. Knowmia Teach makes it easy to bring in visual aids from multiple sources, organize them in steps (like slides in a presentation) and use your own voice and fingers to bring your lesson to life. You can design each step in the lesson, record illustrations as you draw them, and create sophisticated animation sequences with a simple stroke of a finger. We give you the ability to describe your lesson with details that make it simple for any student who is interested in the subject to find it.
Main features include:
  • Build your lesson out of smaller steps (like slides) so it's easy to manage and organize your lesson
  • Create each step of your lesson on a separate whiteboard so you can seamlessly introduce new concepts
  • Record everything that you do on the whiteboard as well as your voice to create the lesson step-by-step
  • Use the shape tool to quickly draw common shapes
  • Type text with any font/size directly on the whiteboard
  • Import graphics from the iPad's media library and built-in camera - or paste in any image of your own
  • Draw freely with multiple pen widths and a highlighter mode
  • Use the pointer tool to attract attention to anything on the whiteboard while recording it
  • Publish the complete lesson to Knowmia.com with a touch of a button
It is great to start seeing new products coming out that will enhance the teacher’s lesson plans and parents ability to help direct their children’s education.

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