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Is it time to move from Jing to Snagit?

imageI have been using Jing (Pro) ever since TechSmith introduce this product and I have been enamored with it forever! However, today I got notification that Jing Pro has only one more year to live and will no longer be a part of the TechSmith product line. It was suggested that I take a look at Snagit as a suitable replacement and much to my chagrin I am finding that I probably should have done so a long time ago. Jing was obviously a testing product for the features that have been added to Snagit to encompass all of the things that Jing did but on steroids. I have inserted TechSmith’s overview of Snagit 11 below for you to take a quick look. I know that I am going to make full use of this product just like I did with Jing and I recommend it to anyone who is doing sales, marketing, support, etc… Better yet I would also look at the very good companion product, Camtasia Studio if you are planning on doing any video editing work. It is simple and straight forward and allows you to put a quick flair onto any video project.

Introduction to Snagit 11

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