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Press Release: Another Interesting Stylus…

If you lean more on the artistic side and you use your iPad for creating your next piece of art you may want to add the Ten One Design ‘Blue Tiger’ stylus to you gadget mix. This is the same company behind the Pogo Sketch products but now they are talking about releasing a Bluetooth pen that is being introduced primarily for the iPad 3. Along with their software it will allow you to use the pen by interfacing through the Bluetooth connection without the problems associated with palm interaction.

The stylus, codenamed "Project Blue Tiger," is pressure-sensitive, and pairs with the iPad over Bluetooth 4.0. As you can see in the video below, the pen is meant to be used inside a drawing app Ten One's whipped up, though the outfit's made the SDK available to developers today. Per the press release, all you curious code monkeys out there can email info@tenonedesign.com for more details, though the SDK is ready for download at the source link below.


Download the SDK (beta 1)

Make integration easy with code examples you can copy/paste (see T1PogoManager.h)
[SDK] [Demo Project]

From Ten One Design’s Declassify page:

Blue Tiger is a top secret project we've been working on for several months. We're declassifying it now to give you a sneak peek, and to jump-start your imagination.
You may have been hearing good things about Bluetooth 4.0. It's a fast wireless connection, and is fully supported by the CoreBluetooth framework in iOS5.
Bluetooth 4.0 devices don't need to pair with your iPhone or iPad, they just connect and work. Also, the battery life is dramatically better - think months or a year on a single coin battery. We've developed the first pressure-sensitive stylus for iPad that uses Bluetooth 4.0.
Sample hardware is available today. If you'd like to have support for this device in your app, email info@tenonedesign.com, and we'll schedule a shipment for you.
Note: Images shown are unfinished pre-production samples. We'll unveil the final design soon!

Pen features

  • Fast, simple bluetooth 4.0 technology does away with pairing.
  • Any application can take advantage of the features, but developers should use our free code to help them integrate.
  • Full pressure sensitivity.
  • Palm rejection capability.
  • Lights, buttons, music (ok, maybe not music).
  • Full details, name, pricing, etc coming soon.
  • Product will ship after FCC approval. If you're a developer, the time to start testing is now.

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