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New Release of the Pogo Sketch+

2012-03-12_1527Boasting a new smoother operating tip the Pogo Sketch+ is still made from brightly colored anodized aluminum body that provides scratch protection to the barrel. It comes with a spring steel pocket clip that makes it easy to place in your pocket or on your case to have instant to it.

As much as Apple poo-poo’s using a stylus there are times that you need the accuracy and feel of a pen. Useful in signing documents, markup and just plain writing you will find it a very useful addition to you arsenal of gadgets.

The Sketch and Stylus differ in length, tip technology and loss-prevention mechanism (the Stylus comes with a clip to attach directly to the iPhone or iPod touch; the Sketch itself has a built-in pen clip). The Pogo Stylus comes with our soft durable classic tip, while the Pogo Sketch+ borrows tip technology from the most recent addition to our stylus line-up, Pogo Sketch Pro.

Priced at $14.95 they are a great product addition to you device list.

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