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Interesting article at InformationWeek discussing Meaningful Use requirements.

With Meaningful Use Stage 2 requirements just around the corner, a CSC report says IT managers should prepare with a more robust system that addresses care coordination and patient engagement.

With the whole reason for the emphasis on installing the infrastructure to collect and share patient care information to provide a path towards better/safer patient care we need to make sure we are ready for the follow up of Meaningful Use Stage 1. If you haven’t started implementing an EMR/EHR Solution in your practice you are going to want to investigate what is available to you.

InformationWeek’s writer Nicole Lewis wrote:

Health IT executives at hospitals and physicians' offices should start working now to implement technology that fosters greater patient engagement, enhances patient care coordination, and advances their organizations' ability to electronically capture data for quality reporting--all three of which providers will need to compete in the upcoming pay-for-performance market. That's the conclusion of a new report published by CSC's Global Institute for Emerging Healthcare Practice.

Table 1 — Summary of Requirements for Stage 1 and Proposed Changes for Stage 2.


Stage 1

Minimum Requirement

Stage 2

Minimum Requirement

Maintain medication, problem/ diagnosis, allergy lists

80% of patients have an entry or indication of none

No change

Demographics recorded

50% of patients

80% of patients

Vital signs recorded

50% of patients over 2

80% of patients over 3

Smoking status recorded

50% of patients over 13

80% of patients over 13

Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE)

30% of patients have a medication order

60% of patients have a medication and a lab order; at least one radiology order placed

Info on advanced directive

Menu option for hospitals — indicate if patent has advanced directive for 50% of hospitalized patients 65+

Expanded to include 25 patients for eligible providers; add information on how to access the directive

Drug-drug and drug-allergy checking


Added capability to modify drug-drug checking

Drug-formulary checking

Menu option


Medication reconciliation

Menu option, performed for 50%



Stage 1

Minimum Requirement

Stage 2

Minimum Requirement


40% of prescriptions for eligible providers

50% of prescriptions for eligible providers, 10% of discharged patients for hospitals

Summary of care record transmitted between providers at transitions in care

Menu option, performed for 50% of transitions (can be on paper)

Required, added that must be electronic for 10% of hospitalized patients; 25 patient transitions for office practice

Searchable physician (NP, PA) note

No requirement

30% of hospital days, 30% of ambulatory visits

Secure messaging

No requirement

25 patients have sent messages to eligible providers

Electronic medication administration

No requirement

One hospital unit

Encounter summaries

50% of office visits within 3 days

Changed timing to 24 hours, pending results within 4 days

Electronic copies of discharge instructions

50% of hospital patients who request it

Replaced by requirement that 10% of patients have used the capability to access and download their information

Electronic copies of health information

50% of patients who request it

Incorporate lab information as structured data

Menu option, 40% of patients

Required, hospitals must return electronic lab orders as structured data

Provide patient educational materials

Menu option, 10% of appropriate patients

Required, 10% of all patients

Send reminders for preventive, follow-up care

Menu option for office visits; 20% of patients under 5 or over 65

Required, 10% of all patients

Patients have access to their information

10% of patients have access to view information for office visits

10% of patients have used the capability to access and download their information and 20% have communication preferences stated

Electronically exchange patient information

Perform one test

Replaced by specific requirements

Decision support rule

One rule

Use to improve performance

Lists of patients for quality improvement

Menu option, one list

Required, multiple lists

Report clinical quality measures

Specified measures

Expanded list

Submit immunization data

Menu option, perform one test

Required, submit data

Submit reportable lab results (hospitals only)

Menu option for hospitals, perform one test

Required for hospitals, submit data

Submit syndromic surveillance data

Menu option, perform one test

Required for hospitals, submit data

Conduct security analysis

Conduct analysis

Expanded to include encryption of data at rest

To see the full article click on this link: http://www.informationweek.com/news/healthcare/clinical-systems/232600583

For more information on Allscripts MyWay Electronic Medical Records product please don’t hesitate calling me at 1-800-640-7506 and ask for Bob Appleby. I will be more than happy to discuss the product and provide you with information on how you can implement this solution in your practice. One of the first questions I am asked is whether anyone has received payments yet. It has been reported that $2.5 billion was paid out for meaningful use in 2011. Stage 2 requirements are being drawn up now as you see in the table above but they have not been finalized as of this date. You need to be proactive and should be focusing on providing capabilities for engaging patients, coordinating care and capturing the data for quality reporting. These requirements are essential for qualifying for meaningful use payments and for new CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) payment incentives and for succeeding under accountable care.

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