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Who is Epsilon and why does it have your data?

imageIf you haven’t received an email from one of your credit card companies or favorite online stores this past week consider yourself lucky because the majority of us have. In an article written by Elinor Mills of CNET today, Elinor goes into great depth describing the how's and why’s of the professional email industry in marketing most the the major corporate lenders and many of your favorite retailers and service companies. Take a look at what Elinor has to say about this security breech and what it might mean to you. Be sure to take what you feel are appropriate actions to protect yourself. This article outlines several things that you can do to protect yourself. As always be careful how you work with unsolicited email and be sure to act intelligently so as not to put yourself into a position to make it easy to be a victim of scams and identity theft.

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