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So you want to access your Skydrive Storage on your Android device

imageMicrosoft hasn’t written an app for this yet but there is a beta product available for your android device called Sorami that will give you access to the 25GB’s of free space that is available from your Microsoft Windows Live SkyDrive account. If you haven’t set one up yet click here! I have always been a little partial towards Dropbox but you only get 2GB’s of free storage. What I like best though is the ability to synchronize the files between all of my devices. SkyDrive is a cloud based storage area that allows you to use Microsoft’s Cloud applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote) and store the documents that you create from these applications in the cloud for access from any of your computers. You can also use your desktop Office Apps to store documents to your SkyDrive account and use that to provide access using other devices as well.

The Sorami program can be downloaded from the Android Market which has the following Description of the Application:


sorami is skydrive client.

sorami is SkyDrive client App.
You can download and upload your files.

If authorization failed, create new Windows Live Account.

* You can't access [Photos] and [Favorites].
So, put your file in SkyDrive [My Documents] Folder.
* Don't put your file on root dir.

- Galaxy S
- Android Dev Phone 2
- Android Emulator

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