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Intel Showed its Q4 SSD Roadmap and We Are Excited!

Intel Released it Q4 Roadmap that shows some very exciting SSD (Solid State Drive) products. These products will be based on 25nm NAND flash memory imagechips and sold under the Intel X25-M, X18-M (mainstream) and  X25-V (value) brands. The four drives  will continue to carry the company internal codename “Postville”, with the same feature set as the 34nm  Postville SSDs, except for the  25nm NAND chips, native data encryption, SMART, and higher performance.

New drive sizes, 600GB, 300GB and 160GB models are on the roadmap as well as a 80GB value model are all expected to arrive on the scene. Later in Q1 2011, Intel will add new enterprise X25-E “Lyndonville” models based on the new chips, as well as introduce 25nm based 300GB  and 160GB  1.8” X18-M SSDs and a 40GB X25-M model. The intro of these new SSDs follows the Feb 2010 announcement of the 25nm NAND flash memory chips by IM Flash Technologies.

IM Flash Technologies is a joint venture between Intel and Micron that is targeted for producing NAND flash memory. With a focus on research and development, IMFT has doubled NAND density approximately every 18 months. In 2006, they started production with a 50nm process, then moved to a 40nm process in 2008. This co-development inevitably lead to smaller, more affordable NAND flash-based products featuring higher capacities, much like we have witnessed in the SSD market and with USB flash drives over the past couple of years.


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