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Dual Screens on 55TC Motherboard without a Video Card Addition

image Intel DH55TC uATX Desktop Board: Socket 1156, i5 600 & i3 CPU , up to 16gb RAM, Dual Channel DDR3, 1 PCI, 1- PCIex1, 1 PCIex16, 5.1 Channel Audio, 6 USB &6 USB Header, Gigabit LAN, Parallel & Serial Port Headers,1- PS/2 Port HD-15 VGA, DVI-D, HDMI *video Requires use of Processor with Intel Graphics Technology

It is possible to have a duel screen system running with the Intel 55TC board. The system offers DVI-D, VGA and HDMI inputs. These 3 inputs can be used in a duel nature fashion, So for duel screens you can either you in the inputs in this combination:

  • DVI-D + VGA

You cannot get triple screens from hooking up all three it will not work. Splitters also will not work on this system. Please make sure if you wish to use this combo, you order a monitor with DVD-D input.


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Reader Comments (1)

I tried to setup 2 monitors with this board and the DVI-D port doesn't work. I have a VGA monitor an the vga ports abd on the DVI-D port I have a dvi-d to vga adapter.

Only the VGA works, i setup in the bios the vga to be first and the dvi second.

The bios is up to date.

Do you a have other suggestions or ideas to help me on this?

thank you


April 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjean bouchard

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