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Spring is here and if you are like us you are excited about soaking up the Sun and enjoying the out of doors…

20100404_Splitwood_0003 So, I did my outside chores today, (believe it or not one of them was splitting wood) and then I spent the last part of the afternoon enjoying the little bit of sun that was left over and playing with my gadgets. I took my netbook, Kindle and iPhone out doors with me to enjoy the late afternoon sun, and started  to work with them. The first thing that I noticed was the readability of the screens. The Kindle I have to give  a thumbs up because it looked better out in the sun then when I am sitting on the couch.The netbook, well, I could see it when I squinted, but who wants to squint. My iPhone, well not much better and with this weekend being the big iPad release, does not bode well for outside use of this product as well. I was watching Leo Laporte unpackaging his iPad, and while he was showing it off, the screen was constantly disappearing from view. I have the same problem with the iPhone,but I can imagine that the same problem will apply to the larger screen version of the iPod Touch, iPhone and now the iPad. This device will definitely be an indoor device. Too much glare on the screen. For professionals like me, this is a big detriment. I really want to make a case for acquiring this device in my geek bag devices, but outside of office functions, I guess I want it all. Well, like I told my Kathy, I’m waiting for version 2, to get me to the next level of why I need this device. Meanwhile, where is that Microsoft Courier, I really love that design…


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