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Buffalo Releases TeraStation Windows Storage Server

New TeraStation WSS (Press Release to Buffalo Partners)

Buffalo Releases TeraStation Windows Storage Server
 Buffalo's new TeraStation Windows Storage Server offers dependability, seamless integration, and one of the best values in  networked storage.  Windows Storage Server provides businesses a solution that offers no compromise integration into Windows workgroup or domain environments.

The TeraStation WSS features Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 Express Edition and helps businesses store and protect their digital assets.  The TeraStation WSS is easy to install and manage, and offers the power of a Windows server operating system to provide a feature rich environment and easy to set up file sharing.  With seamless support for protocols such as SMB, NFS, AppleTalk, and Netware, The TeraStation WSS allows data to be shared among different platforms.  In addition, native integration with the Active Directory service provides simplified management for customers operating in a Windows domain environment.
Available in the following skus:
2.0TB   WS-Q2.0TL/R5
4.0TB   WS-Q4.0TL/R5

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