2010 winter Olympics are here-have you gotten your iPhone apps to follow the coverage?

As soon as I found them I couldn't keep myself from downloading these two new applications from NBC. The first one, NBC Olympics, gives you breaking news, video, photos and Facebook and Twitter feeds. On the social front, you can join or create your own groups, look at popular groups and different categories. You have a tab to look at individual sports coverage, favorites and the all important schedule which shows what is going on in when during the day. With the weather not qte porting as well as desired we're already seeing some of events being postponed until conditions get better. The schedule allows you to see what is on TV, what is online, which events are scheduled, when countries are scheduled for different events, and to setup alerts for the events when the metals are presented.
So if you work into the whole Olympic experience and you have an iPhone this is a great application to add to your phone.
The NBC cheer app gives you many options to use your are phone to make noise while you were cheering on your favorite Olympic sports. It is cute but can become quite irritating especially to those around you if they don't have a similar capability. So, if you need a little extra something to route along your favorite event you definitely have to get this app added to your phone. Have fun! Go USA!
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