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Canon gets smart: Lowers megapixels in the new PowerShot G11 | Digital Cameras & Camcorders | ZDNet.com

image I have become an avid Canon fan boy and this new product offering could be another of their great products that I will recommend. Not coming out until October, this is a great all around choice for a camera in the mid-market  price range. I have had great luck with my 10 mp camera and getting the images that I want, Canon’s  decision to drop back to this range to get better light sensitivity  will give you a camera that could fit into more situations that you will find yourself taking pictures in. This will give you less noise in the picture and in the end give you that fabulous print quality that we are all after.  We will have to wait and see if holds up to expectations.

Canon gets smart: Lowers megapixels in the new PowerShot G11 | Digital Cameras & Camcorders | ZDNet.com

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