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Three Smart Technologies to Ease Work/Life Chaos - Smarter Strategies

image This is a very interesting article discussing the balances between work and life experience.  It mentions an article written by Forrester Research that suggests the argument that we may all be heading into a vortex of nonstop work.  This article suggests that IT may be a source that can save us from this fate.

I happen to be one of the lucky guys that has a job that also has many roots in the ways that I enjoy my life.  I love and embrace the technology that invades my life and use it for enjoyment as well as help me get my job done.  Technology is so ensconced in my life I really don't know what I would do if you were to strip it from me.  Everything that I do at work and in most of the things at home use electronics and/or software, that they cannot be separated from each other.  Only when I'm doing gardening, cleaning the pool or some other small chores around the house do I escape from technology.  The rest of the time I embrace it because I enjoy it so much.

So back to the article.  The gist of it is that with IT's help, there are several things that you can do to help provide less frustration and keep all your balls successfully in the air.  By implementing job related tools that are available wherever and whenever you need them, you allow people to become more efficient which also gets them back to their personal lives.  The need to access data and ability to communicate with people no matter where you are has become one of the “a must have” functions. As information workers, we need access to corporate data whenever and wherever we are.  Implementing remote access to central information sources is vital.  The access to these services needs to be available 24/7.  The good news is that these technologies are available for implementation and all you need are the finances and the help of a knowledgeable technology professional to get them implemented.

It is funny how in my home office I've been able to set up an environment that includes both office functionality and personal entertainment.  And as I watch myself on the weekends, I see how easy it is for me to switch back and forth between the things I enjoy doing for myself as well as those things that are necessary for the job.  It is also interesting to see those things that have a foot firmly planted in both areas and how they give me a sense of accomplishment as well as enjoyment with all things that I do at the keyboard.  If you focus on the technologies that can enhance your work experience, and you can have a better handle on creating less of a blur of loan line between your life and work.  Good luck, and be successful in both life and happiness.

Three Smart Technologies to Ease Work/Life Chaos - Smarter Strategies

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