Scott asked me how I get my images aligned in the blog pages.
Well, it’s easy when you have the right tools. I have mentioned my using Live Writer in previous post before. You can find this free program and a few others at: You can pick and choose which applications that you want to include in your download and have them available on your local system. These programs hybrid programs that give you local access to your data/documents and also have an interface to push them to the internet as well. There are ten programs/utilities/add-on’s in all.
The first group have to do with communication. They include the new Messenger and Mail client for instant messaging and email. There is also an Outlook Connector for linking your hotmail account back to Outlook. Next, is Writer witch is a great blogging tool. I have mine setup to publish to 6 different sites. It makes it real simple to do so once you have it set up. I have a deep interest with photography and the next two applications deal with that. Use Photo Gallery and Movie Maker to edit and organize your photos and movies, and then post them online or send them to friends. The next few add-on deal with accessing info with your web browser. With the Toolbar you can customize your browser and find what you need. Family Safety provides access control to protect your family from unseemly sites. Microsoft Silverlight provides Microsoft’s version of Flash and video presentation programming to your system from the Internet.
So Scott, here are some of my favorite programs that you may be able to take advantage of.
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