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CNET’s Review of the new Palm Pre


While CNET’s review of the Palm Pre was more positive than negative they did have some concerns that they voiced about the product. The feature that grabbed my interest most was the ability for the phone to handle multi-tasking. I did not realize that there weren’t any smart phones on the market that can run more than one application at a time. Not even the iPhone. However, is this enough of a benefit to jump from the iPhone bandwagon? My wife thinks that I am attached to my PC by an umbilical cord sometimes and I have a problem running a computer without multiple monitor these days. It is not unusual for me to have eight or more applications running at one time. If I could have more monitors I would. Of course not everyone bounces from one function to another as much as I do but I can see the need for having more than one application available at your fingertips. Anyway, if you are interested in what CNET has to say take a look here to see what they have to say about the Palm Pre.

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