Turn Your PC into a DVD Ripping Monster - DVD - Lifehacker
We get a lot of questions about how to backup your DVD collection to your workstation and make them available for playback. Here is an article from Lifehacker writer Adam Pash describing several different software packages to put into your software arsenal to do these functions. A package that I use currently that rips a DVD and converts it automatically on the fly to a .avi file. I then pointed all of media center libraries to this directory and they are now all available to play from my Xbox and Linksys MCE units. Another trick is to add package art to the icon by dropping a .jpg image into the directory with the movie file. Be sure to change the name if the image file to folder.jpg. Since you can’t have the same file name located in the same directory, I place each movie file in its own folder to contain the files associated with the movie.The program I am using is called Intertech DVD Converter Pro and is not free but isn’t outlandishly priced either.
I also use a program from AudialsOne4 that allows me to capture any screen video to disk and save it in any video format that I choose. This allows me to capture content from video seminars that I need to go back to in the future or that I am not able to watch at the time of the broadcast because of some other commitment. It’s a great little program that also does video conversion from one format to another or almost any kind of digital from one format to another. I use this for a lot of different types of captures and conversions all the time. So hopefully all of these different choices will help you fill out your media library and give your DVD’s a longer safer life. Happy computing!
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