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Electronic Signatures for Government Contracts

Paperless practices have increased the efficiency levels of many government departments and agencies. Much digital data is being transmitted today between government agencies, businesses, and citizens. With all this data being shared and all the privacy issues it could affect, the government must ensure that all transactions are secure to avoid the possibility of fraud and data loss.

Have Electronic signatures for Government contract been proven effective?

Electronic signature solutions have been proven to be effective in government contracts. In the past, it’s been difficult to send documents between agencies and departments. Paperless processes combined with electronic signature solutions, however, can help reduce time and costs while streamlining workflow.

Electronic signature solutions have facilitated government contracting processes. Electronic signatures can be used by governments for many types of contract work such as tender agreements and procurement. They can be used to sign action orders and tender agreements, in addition to federal and state contracting. Using digital signatures not only streamlines the process but also offers greater security and trust for government agencies.

While electronic signatures are not an absolute necessity, they do offer secure, auditable, and convenient ways to process vital documents. While they can improve government workflows, they can also make operations more efficient.

E-signature solutions are generally a good choice for government agencies. They make receiving and sharing documents much easier. Unlike pen and paper, digital signature solutions are simple to use and are stored in electronic form. The best part is that you can even access government websites to view, complete, and sign forms. And because they don’t require hard copies anymore, this becomes less of a security concern for citizens to worry about.

The 2000 ESIGN Act established electronic signatures as legal. Previously, courts had not applied the requirements for “writing” consistently to the law. However, in ESIGN, the law stated that consumers consented to the use of electronic signatures because they knew they were signing a document with their digitally signed identity. That’s a big deal for the consumer, and it also means that a digitally signed document is more secure than a physical one.

What government agencies should look for in an e-signature solution

When your government agency chooses an e-signature platform, you should be on the lookout for:

  • A reliable vendor with a track record of success. Select a strong platform designed for enterprise-level requirements that invests in digital transformation and meets the needs of mobile citizens.
  • A simple-to-use solution that can be used out of the box. Pick an easy solution to implement as your organization will get more use out of it.
  • A solution that integrates with your existing software with no additional cost. Additional fees or coding may be required. Some integrated solutions may not be suitable for all users. Again, when in doubt, simpler is always better.
  • Support for a wide range of legal issues and requirements. Look for a vendor that can offer legal assistance. Compliance requires a thorough understanding of the laws.
  • A trusted vendor with a track record of security. Your data and documents should be kept safe by your solution anywhere they go.

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