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PR: Sophos Named the Only Leader Across MDR, XDR, EDR, Endpoint Protection, and Firewall by G2

OXFORD, United Kingdom, April 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today announced it is named the only Leader across the G2 Grid® Reports for Managed Detection and Response (MDR)Extended Detection and Response (XDR) PlatformsEndpoint Detection and Response (EDR)Endpoint Protection Suites, and Firewall Software in the G2 Spring 2023 Reports. These categories include the enterprise, mid-market and small business segments, and rankings are based on validated customer reviews.

“As adversaries become more sophisticated and elusive, defenders at organizations of all sizes should implement a defense-in-depth strategy that includes protection, detection and response at every point along the attack chain and covers their entire environment. This layered approach should be inclusive of endpoint security, network security, email security, and cloud security, and augmented by threat hunting and remediation services by subject matter security experts. Attackers have refined their methods so much that this range is necessary to stay secure,” said Raja Patel, senior vice president of products at Sophos. “The fact that IT and security professionals recognize Sophos as the Leader across these key categories is validation that Sophos delivers the best and most comprehensive set of products and services required for modern day cybersecurity.”

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