Microsoft List-Field Types

Microsoft List supports various field types and options that enable users to customize their lists according to their needs. Some of the field types and options that are available are:
- Text: This field type allows users to enter any text value, such as names, descriptions, comments, etc. Users can also specify the maximum number of characters allowed for this field type.
- Number: This field type allows users to enter any numeric value, such as quantities, prices, ratings, etc. Users can also specify the minimum and maximum values allowed for this field type, as well as the number of decimal places to display.
- Date and Time: This field type allows users to enter a date and/or a time value, such as deadlines, start dates, end dates, etc. Users can also choose to display only the date or only the time, or both.
- Choice: This field type allows users to select one or more options from a predefined list of choices, such as categories, statuses, priorities, etc. Users can also specify whether the choices are displayed as a drop-down list, radio buttons, or checkboxes.
- Yes/No: This field type allows users to indicate a yes or no answer, such as completed, approved, active, etc. Users can also choose to display this field type as a toggle switch or a checkbox.
- Person or Group: This field type allows users to select one or more people or groups from the organization's directory, such as owners, assignees, members, etc. Users can also choose to display the name only or the name and email address of the selected person or group.
- Hyperlink or Picture: This field type allows users to enter a URL or upload an image file, such as links to websites, documents, images, etc. Users can also choose to display the URL as a hyperlink or an image preview.
- Lookup: This field type allows users to select one or more values from another list in the same site, such as products, customers, orders, etc. Users can also choose which column from the source list to display in the lookup field.
- Calculated: This field type allows users to create a formula that calculates a value based on other fields in the same list, such as totals, averages, percentages, etc. Users can also choose the data type and format of the calculated value.
- Location: This field type allows users to enter a physical address or a geographic coordinate, such as locations, venues, coordinates, etc. Users can also choose to display the address as a map or a text.
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