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Robot Revolution: It's on!

MattV this morning sent out an email from The Sun:

ROBOSTOP Facebook shuts off AI experiment after two robots begin speaking in their OWN language only they can understand

Experts have called the incident exciting but also incredibly scary

By James Beal and Andy Jehring   1st August 2017, 12:03 am   Updated: 1st August 2017, 6:38 am

If you think that we are under control of our technology innovations, think again. Hollywood has a habit of coming up with ideas about futuristic events that might happen and then suddenly technology catches up and makes it real. Here is the scary part of Artificial Intelligence (AI), to have machines begin to create, communicate without any type of control or intervention. This article brings up the notion of military bots getting out of control. That is really scary.

I don’t know if this bothers you as it does me but I get chills just thinking about an out of control machine bringing violence and devastation on mankind. We have enough problems with humans becoming unhinged to create another problem that could escalate into this direction. What are your thoughts?

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