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Sophos Phish Threat Product

Another reason that Sophos is such a great security solution company is this new product that helps you assess your vulnerabilities and help you train your employees on what they should be aware of to protect themselves and your company from Phishing attempts. Sophos says about this problem:

From our continuous assessment of the threat landscape, two things are abundantly clear: first, that email is one of the most problematic sources of infection; and second, it’s the ordinary, well-meaning people who often let poisonous emails into their organizations.

It’s easy to be tricked into clicking on a malicious email. So wouldn’t it be great to create a culture where the first instinct of each user was to think twice — even if just for a moment — before clicking on links, downloading attachments or running software that arrived via email? Think of how many threats could be neutralized before they even have a chance to make their way on to corporate networks.

So we’re excited to be able to help create that culture by announcing Sophos Phish Threat, a phishing attack simulator that’s powerful, thoughtful and very easy to use. You’ll be up and running in minutes, with campaigns to help your users learn to spot phishing links, dangerous attachments, and bogus scripts meant to cripple your organization before they have a chance to do harm.

Simply choose a campaign type, select one or more training modules, pick a simulated phishing message, and decide which users to test. Then sit back as the results roll in: top-notch reporting tells you how many messages have been sent out, who’s clicked, and, of those, who’s gone through the required modules. It couldn’t be easier.

Here’s a quick video overview of the product:

Getting Started With Sophos Phish Threat from Sophos on Vimeo.

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