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Naked Security Posts

News in brief: NATO backs Kiev over cyber-attacks; China cracks down on VPNs; Somalia knocked offline

Your daily round-up of some of the other stories in the news

Tendulkar wants your number on Twitter, what do you do?

Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar asked 17m Twitter followers to send him their friends' phone numbers - good intentions, bad idea!

FTC slaps $104m judgment on loan application firm

Blue Global wasn't a loan company, didn't safeguard data and sold leads to third parties for $200 each

Apps that are a matter of life, death and data win $75,000 prizes

Two start-ups have won a US government competition to design apps that help patients manage and control their data

When ex-workers attack (again): man used Trojan to cause havoc

Former staffer used a remote Trojan to trash client databases, steal credit cards and masquerade as another employee to make allegations about the company

More than 100m records potentially lost in huge telecoms breach

India's newest telecoms provider denies that subscriber records posted online were authentic, but users claim the data is real

Your gadget could save your life: smart speaker phones police

We write a lot about the privacy issues of smart speakers in your home - but one device might have saved lives in an alleged hostage situation

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