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Microsoft Teams versus Slack

I ran across an interesting article posted "by Cale Hunt, windowscentral.com" in Windows Central.com. it had recently come off in my conversations with some of my Sophos partner friends that we were going to make a move towards using Slack to help better the conversations between the members of our group. However, it was mentioned that internally they were using the Microsoft Teams application internally in that older people really enjoy it. We also had instituted several channels in our Teams system and we are finding it very interesting as well. However just like anything new it is hard for that new thing to gain any type of traction.

One of the things to understand about Teams is that it is built on top of SharePoint and for all intents and purposes is just an automated site creation and management tool for SharePoint sites that you can access both using this tool and SharePoint site interface. It allows you to pull in different pieces of your SharePoint sites to help integrate and overall continuity of conversation and project planning.

I will be talking more about this product in future post as we are using it so stay tuned for that. As for the title of the article here is a link to the post that I mentioned above


Just as a side note comma I wrote this entire article using my new Lenovo Android tablet totally would voice to text recognition. I was impressed with how well the Android engine performed.

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