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Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 13

imageI was very hesitant to spend the money to update my Dragon NaturallySpeaking application from version 12 version 13. I know I was just being hesitant because I didn't want to spend the money but when I read that the new application would work on my laptops built in microphone I thought that would be a great benefit for when I'm on the road need to make quick notes and update a lot of the documentation for customer visits and service situations.

So, I went ahead and bit the bullet and shelled out the cash to acquire the new version of the software. I am really impressed with how well that it is working off the microphone that is built into my Microsoft SurfaceBook 4. I have written this entire article utilizing this configuration with minimal issues. The old version 12 not work in my Windows Live Writer application directly. I had to open a dictation box and then transfer whatever I wrote from the dictation box to the program using the transfer. While that was not too inconvenient, it is much easier to be able to have it type directly into my application instead.

Another application that I was hoping you work better with was our ConnectWise application. It still doesn't work in the application but it does bring up the dictation box automatically and allow for quick transfer of the text you want to put into the application where the cursor position. Quick and easy especially since I don't have to start the dictation box myself.

For some reason the old version 12 application stop working with Microsoft Office 2016 and I had to use the dictation box as well. I'm sure this was part of the reason why figured I needed to upgrade to the version of the software. Now both work within the Office 2016 applications so I'm very happy with that result as well.

I will have to report back on other things that I find that are different in the new application but I do feel was a well spent $79 to get these capabilities. I feel that it will be a great timesaver for me in the long run. Isn't that what it's all about?


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