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Thinking about getting a New Bike?

imageAs I am getting older I'm trying to come up with different ways that I might be able to exercise and enjoy the process of it. An article in Gizmodo by Michael Nunez got my eye about a bicycle made by Priority Bicycles. It is their Continuum model that is categorized as a commuter bike and is outfitted with low maintenance components in a drivetrain system using a variable transmission hub located in the rear wheel that gives this bike a continuous spectrum of gears rather than a fixed number. The bike doesn't require a derailleur system which provides the bike with a much smoother ride.

While most bikes in this category are several thousand dollars, priority bicycles sells this bike four $899 which is not exactly a bargain looking at many commuter bikes being in the $400-$500 range the Michael says that once you write it it will become your favorite bike to ride.

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