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Amazon offering kindle versions of “100 Books You Must Read Before You Die”

imageI am big into “reading” and I do so mainly digitally. Whether I use my Kindle, Tablet, or switch to audio, I hardly ever touch a real, physical book anymore. So if you haven’t read what are considered as the books you must read for your bucket list, Amazon is giving them away free for your Kindle device.

This looks like a good collection of public domain novels, in Kindle format.  It's volume 1 of a 2 volume set. Here's volume 2.

This is a great way to get started, but don’t forget the Kindleunlimited option that you can purchase which costs $9.99/month for basically unlimited reading. You can borrow up to 10 titles at a time and you can consume most of these either in text or audible formats. This is a really nice option especially for me consuming 8-10 books a month.

If you have Prime, there is also Prime Reading option that comes with that subscription. There are quite a few books and magazines available through this service as well.

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