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Naked Security: Siri opens “smart” lock to let neighbor walk into a locked house

imageI do love my electronic toys but here is an article this describing an issue with the security lock that is tied into the system that has voice activation and no security protocol. Home automation can give you quite a few benefits but you have to be able to  secure those entry points into your home so that they cannot be easily compromised. Take a look at this article if you have or are considering home automation and jump to the security tips from Chester Wisniewski listing how we can better security Internet of things as we allow them to enter our life.

Remember that our experts here at PAconnect take all of these things into account to make sure that your home is secure and safe as we can make it. And keep in mind the following comment from Chester Wisniewski:

“Of course, please don’t forget that lists like this are, of necessity, incomplete – after all, security is a journey, not a destination, so don’t imagine that this is our last word on IoT security.”

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