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Steelers experimenting with remote-controlled, robotic tackling dummies

imageHere is an interesting junction for two of my favorite subjects, Football and Technology. Steelers coach Mike Tomlin is experimenting with remote-controlled Robotic Tackling Dummies. Developed at Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Technology introduced to the Steelers by former Dartmouth Quarterback Danny Rooney, scout for the Steelers and son of Steeler president Art Rooney II.

Mike Tomlin says that the players are even coming up with ideas to help in practice. They were originally developed to help decrease injuries to players during practice.

Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering came up with the idea of a mobilized tackling dummy. Mobile Virtual Player, which is in a testing phase, has the ability to cut, weave, stop and start just like a real player along and can be tackled.

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