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Comcast increasing data caps from 300GB to 1TB in June

comcastWhile we here in Pennsylvania have enjoyed not having our 250GB data cap even being turned on, I am glad to see that Comcast is taking the initiative to increase is bandwidth cap to 1TB so when they do begin enforcing it we have a greater chance of not being billed for overages. If you do go over the limit Comcast plans to bill you $10 per each 50GB’s of overage. If you want to add unlimited data to you plan this cost is rising from $35/month to $50/month.

So what does 1TB allow us to do? Comcast says: "You can stream about 700 hours of HD video, play 12,000 hours of online games, and download 60,000 high-res photos in a month." Comcast stated that as of late 2015 8% of their customers are now exceeding the 300GB cap and this increase is to help lower that percentage.

Comcast says that the caps isn’t really a cap at all. Customers are allowed to go over them though they have to pay extra when they do. AT&T is also stepping up its enforcement of their caps as well it is being reported.

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