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Sophos has announce the EOS date for their Red 10

This is not a big worry but realize that after November 1, 2015 you will need to be considering the soon to be released Sophos Red 15 as a replacement. While supplies in the distribution chain may have some Red 10''s available after that date you will need to be aware that this might not happen though.

One of the benefits of the new Red series is that there will be a wireless version available. In the smaller environments that you normally place this unit this will provide an integrated solution at a very reasonable price.

Successor: RED 15 and prerequisite for deployment
The next generation of our entry-level RED product is the RED 15. It will offer all the same features and connectivity options as the current product but have significantly improved performance.

The RED 15 will be available in two versions:

RED 15 (non-wireless) – available from early September
The RED 15 requires you to upgrade to UTM v9.35 but until 9.35 is generally available (plan is end of September), you will need to manually download and install it here. This should be possible starting with the soft release which is planned for early September.

RED 15w (wireless) – availability TBC, plan Q1 CY2016
The support for the new RED 15w that has an integrated wireless N access point is scheduled for the UTM v9.4 release, currently estimated at an early 2016 launch.

Further information about the RED 15 will be provided as soon as possible.


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