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Press Release: Sophos Wins All Three Security Categories in 2015 CRN® Annual Report Card 

OXFORD, U.K. August 10, 2015 – Sophos has won all three security focused categories in The Channel Company's esteemed 2015 CRN® Annual Report Card. Sophos swept the board for the second year running as the winners of "Overall Category: Client Security Software" and "Overall Category: Network Security Appliances," and extended its recognition this year adding "Overall winner: Network Security Software" to its accolades. Sophos is the only vendor to have received top ratings in all client and network security categories, demonstrating the consistency of the channel experience across its portfolio.

The Annual Report Card summarizes results from a comprehensive study that details solution provider satisfaction with hardware, services and software vendors. The vendors with the highest marks are named to the prestigious Annual Report Card list and celebrated as best in class by their partners. The results also provide the IT vendor community with valuable feedback—directly from their solution providers—that can be used to hone product offerings and improve communication with partners.

"Our partner community is absolutely critical to our success in helping businesses and government agencies of all sizes protect their systems and information from cyber-attack," said Mike Valentine, senior vice president of worldwide sales for Sophos. "The unprecedented high marks awarded by our partners for the 2015 Annual Report Card reflects our companywide commitment to the channel. This year, CRN and its readers have recognized many of our key marketing and sales people for their accomplishments and impact within the channel, and now to receive such credit in all client and network security categories, is an honor for our entire company."

This year's elite group of honorees was selected based on the results of an in-depth invitation-only survey by The Channel Company's research team. More than 2,400 solution providers were asked to evaluate their satisfaction with 72 vendor partners in approximately 22 major product categories. The winners will be honored throughout The Channel Company's XChange 2015 event Aug. 9-11 in Washington, D.C., and highlighted in the leading media outlet for the IT channel, CRN. To view the results of the study as well as the list of this year's honorees, visit www.crn.com.

"Today's solution providers are juggling multiple vendors, product lines and customer demands. They are looking for true partnerships with their vendors in order to tailor solutions that will meet and exceed their customers' expectations," said Robert Faletra, CEO of The Channel Company. "CRN's Annual Report Card continues to give solution providers an outlet to deliver feedback to vendors and recognizes those vendors at the top of their game. We join these solution providers in applauding 2015 honoree Sophos and recognize them for their stellar performance."

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