Lenovo has a smartwatch, too!
Lenovo showed off a new smartwatch with a private screen that Lenovo says will give you a 20x increased perspective on the image being viewed. Because you have to hold the watch up to your eye to see it, it is naturally something that will normally only be done by the wearer. Termed "Magic View" Lenovo states that it solves the inherent problem found in smartwatches with their tiny screens.
Android Central say that the demo device was running an Android-based OS that was different to both Wear and Google's main mobile operating system. The second display is using optical reflection to achieve its display size and can be used for viewing larger images such as maps.
While your first thought might be of how silly it will look holding your wrist to your eye to get this increased view size, my biggest concern as I have stated in earlier articles are the idiots that will try to do this while they are driving. This road that we are going down with our mobile devices and our lack of control of when we use them is scaring me to death. I don't know what the answer is, but we need to come up with something.