Why migrate to 802.11ac?
Mobile devices and apps are pushing Wi-Fi to the limit and there’s no end in sight. Workers are determined to use enterprise apps on personally-owned devices to get more done and it’s placing a huge burden on corporate Wi-Fi networks. That’s why enterprise IT is migrating to 802.11ac, the gigabit Wi-Fi standard.
In this 802.11ac primer learn more about:
- Why is 802.11ac crucial for today’s all-wireless workplace
- What are the key technical advantages of this wireless standard
- Why you should move to 802.11ac
Get the 802.11ac Migration Guide
Let me help you to become the Mobility Hero for your organization today.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the Aruba product line give Jude Daigle or Bob Appleby a call at 724-838-7526
Learn more about the why, the how, and the significant improvements attained by migrating to 802.11ac.
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