Should you worry about the report of 1.2billion passwords stolen by Russian Hackers?
Russian hackers have reportedly stolen 1.2 billion user names and passwords in a series of Internet heists affecting 420,000 websites.
Should you be worried? I think that you should quickly change your passwords for all of your important accounts, especially financial, as quickly as possible. You should be using strong passwords and if you can move to a two step authentication system. Make it a habit to periodically change your passwords and use different passwords for each of your sites. Be sure to monitor your transaction history for credit cards and bank accounts to be sure only authorized transactions have been made. If you do see a transaction that you are unsure of contact your financial service to stop the process or to research it. Don’t take chances.
Many of us here at PAconnect use LastPass to help keep track and create passwords for our accounts. This program can be used on your computer, phone or tablets to provide secure and easy to use password support. It is available for Windows, MAC, LINUX and most mobile devices. Supports Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox 2.0+, Chrome 18+, Safari 5+, Opera 11+. The Universal Windows installer installs browser extensions for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. It also allows you to easily create a LastPass account and import your existing passwords. It's the best way to install LastPass on Windows. The 64 bit installer includes 32 bit IE installer.
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