Android Phone are becoming a high target for Malware authors!
CNET’s Dennis O’Reilly recently reported that more and more Malware Authors are creating code for Android phones that are showing up even on Google Play for download.
If you are not installing a security application then your phone is exposed. If you or your office workers are connecting your phones to your company network you are not only risking your phone’s information but you could also be exposing your company’s network to attack.
We have many products to help keep your systems secure including your personal phones so please let us work with you to lock down your security before it is too late.
Remember, security starts with you. Be careful with what you download and the sites that you visit. Attacks can come in many shapes and sizes. Keeping the bad guys out requires a multilayer approach to security that includes using a security program, only using trustworthy sites for downloads, and be sure you keep watch of your credit cards and bank statements to ensure that they have not been compromised.
One of our favorite security companies is Sophos and they have a free security app that you can put on your phone to help keep it secure. But if you want more control over the company security and company provided phones we have some more advanced products that work very well to keep your data and personal information secure and safe from prying eyes.
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