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Protect your files from Cryptolocker

Sophos is one of our partners that we work with and just love their products. We have been selling their Firewall products for years and since they merged with Astaro we have been working with their the rest of the security software products as well. They have put together a little video that discusses How Cryptolocker encrypts your files and extracts a ransom.(see below).  Here is an excerpt from their demonstration site.

Our Support teams have put together a video demonstration (embedded below) that shows what Cryptolocker actually looks like and how it works.

We’ll show you what the file looks like when it infects a computer (claiming to be a PDF document), what happens when it executes, and how the cybercriminals expect you to pay up (they offer to let you pay in bitcoins). You’ll also see how layers of protection from Sophos keep this from happening.

Remember though—you really don’t want to try this at home. If you see the ransom message from Cryptolocker on your computer, it’s too late. Your files are already encrypted, and only the ransom-takers have the encryption key to set them free. It’s much better to protect yourself proactively and keep your files backed up. We don’t recommend paying the ransom.

For more information on this type of threat, you can also download our whitepaper on ransomware (registration required), or use our Knowledgebase.

Watch Cryptolocker in action!

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