DNS Changer Malware
If you are protected with our CCI Security Service Suite you could breathe a sigh of relief this morning because we would have already known and taken care of anyone that was infected with this malware program. If you don’t have this product on your systems maybe you should consider it. This is the type of incident that protects you company, proactively. If you are interested on what this product can do for you give us a call. 1-800-640-7506 and talk to one of our security specialists.
The FBI has warned that millions could lose internet access on July 9th 2012 if their machines are infected with the DNS Changer Malware. More information is available at http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2011/november/malware_110911
Click on the following link to learn more information about DNS Changer Malware.
How can you detect if your computer has been violated and infected with DNS Changer?
We have checked the DNS Server settings across all of the machines with the our support agent. We If you want to manually run this check please visit http://dns-ok.us/. If the DNS Resolution is Green, your machine is safe. If the DNS Resolution is Red, let us know so that we can help you fix this problem.
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