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PR:Amazon launches digital music locker

imageAre you ready to store all of your purchased music in the cloud? Amazon is thinks that you are and is planning on making available a new service letting you store your music on the Web and be able to access it for playback from any Web-Connected PC, Mac or Android device no matter where you are. The key point here is of course you need web access for your device.

"Our customers have told us they don't want to download music to their work computers or phones because they find it hard to move music around to different devices," Bill Carr, vice president of movies and music at Amazon.com, said in a statement. "Now, whether at work, home, or on the go, customers can buy music from Amazon MP3, store it in the cloud and play it anywhere."

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-20048160-93.html#ixzz1HzU6lH3S

The key component for this service will be Amazon’s Cloud Player for Web that allows customer to listen to their music on any computer running Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers. The app will allow you to play MP3’s and AAC formatted files whether they are installed on the service or locally on your device.

Terms of Use

imageTo setup this service log in to your Amazon account and go to this link. Accept the terms of use, enter in the security code shown. Once you have successfully navigated through this setup you will be given 5.0 GB of Cloud Drive storage. If your files are properly filled with Meta Data they will be categorized by Album, Artists and Genres. Any music that you purchase from Amazon will automatically populate the database and you can go ahead and get crazy creating playlist of your music. Have fun!

Ed Bott wrote an interesting article about this new service and what it means to the industy.


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