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Is ePub Format the Default Standard now for eBooks?

With the new update for the Pages App that now allows you to save your documents in ePub format which Apple uses for iBooks. It is also the native format for Stanza (which is the Open eBook standard from the International Digital Publishing Forum http://www.idpf.org). ePub is supported in Stanza Desktop, iPhone, iPod Touch, Adobe Digital Editions and some Sony Readers.

image Sadly the Kindle does not support ePub format directly, it uses MOBI format, but you can easily convert your ePub files to a format that can be read on your Kindle device. I hear that Calibre does the best job, with a  nice interface, easy to use, works with pc’s and Macs, and gets the best results. If you don't already have this free software, created and maintained by Kovid Goyal, download Calibre here. The nice thing about Calibre is that it will also convert many other formats to ePub format as well so which ever direction you want to go with your eBook you have the ability to get it there.

How to use Calibre to convert from an ePub format to MOBI:

  1. Open and run Calibre.  On the LEFT will be your choices for set-up when you're converting a document.  Hovering over anything will usually bring a help tip.
  2. Accepting defaults is fine.  The ability to change the "meta information" is nice - so you can have names and authors as you like them.  If there is no Table of Contents you can 'force' Calibre to create one.
  3. At the top are choices to "Edit meta information: as well as "Convert E-books." Follow the instructions, and then press the 'OK' button and the conversion will take a few minutes.  I did one and moved it to the Kindle DX and it looks great.
  4. Oh, Calibre gives you the option to optimize your converted file for the Kindle 2 or the Kindle DX.
  5. So, yes, those million+ free Google books are fully useable on the Kindle - it just needs this added step, but it's also great to be able to customize so much of the layout if you want.  Play with the software a bit.

LexCycle has a great article on how to create ePub files from different file formats and lists many different applications that will allow you to create ePub files for you iBooks and Stanza applications.

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